Scene: 4 Girls, 4 New Toys-New Gunge with Huge-Long Pours!15 days agoreport
Amazing video! Forgive me, but I have a small critique.: You missed out on the best mud by staying too close to shore. I have a lot of first-hand experience with quarry mud, and that mud in the middle of the pit was absolutely amazing; not watery or too thin. No, that mud would've been between peanut butter and pudding. It's also deeper. It would've brought your ruined suit to the next level of filth.
I SO want to join you in that mud. I know, that if I get in, there's no way to escape nor any explanation I could give as to why I took the 'plunge' to get in the mud with you. I've never been with someone in the mud, and I know that my fantasy is coming true. I imagine our legs intertwined and pedaling in the mud as our bodies slip and slide all over each other while the mud sucks and slurps. I wouldn't care who finds us wallowing in the mud like two filthy pigs.
If someone caught you, mud-handed, pleasuring yourself covered in mud, would you invite them in if they wanted to join you?...If they wanted to have sex with you in that sloppy mud?
It's not just the substance that sets this apart from its peers; rather, it's that she INTENTIONALLY gets into the glop. She is so attracted to it, that she's willing to get totally messy with no way of cleaning herself up. Still more, she knows she's setting herself up to be completely humiliated, with some of the people who see her correctly suspecting that she WANTED to get into the muck, guaranteeing her humiliation after the fact.
What if an attractive someone caught you, and you couldn't escape? With that sinking feeling; the humiliation covering you as thick as the mud, they walked right up to you, to the edge of the mud. If they asked you, would you invite them in and play with them in the mud?
Scene: Almost Caught in Construction Mud (camera 1)9/2/24report
I fantasize about happening upon you when you're in the mud, and you inviting me in naked. I'm completely clean, and know that if I get in the mud naked with another could be humiliating if I got caught. Then I realize I really, really want to get in that messy slopping mud
Love you, too
Video: I Cant Wait for Summer so I Can Get Muddy Again7/22/24report
I would love to see more muddy cuddling, with your bodies slipping and sliding all over each other as you deep kiss, like you both just got in the mud together for fun, but it tuned both of you on so much that you couldn't help but succumb to the mud and each other, just knowing that you'll have sex before you get out.
I've always wondered why this scene is always shown prominently on "Featured Sites". One of my theories is that though this scene isn't explicit, thousands of mud lovers 'enjoy' it anyway. My second theory, building on the first, is that this couple must live in humiliation and shame that they CHOSE to get completely muddy together and put on a porn site for others to 'enjoy'.