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Time here:
11 years
UMD Fetish ID:
I'm here to:
Chat with friends, roleplay with others, and find others interested in meeting up
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About Me:
dedicated to whip-cream and cake waming, also interested in other Wam-substances.. / I discovered my attraction to creamy WAM in my early teenage years... / here on UMD for exchange of stories or fantasies with oher Wamers,
as an Graffiti artist I am always thinking about ways to combine Graffiti-Art with Wam-Photography.... /// Hope to meet interesting people around here_
Last Actions
friended 9/25/16
friended 10/12/22
friended 12/8/18
friended 9/21/16
friended 9/7/16
friended 10/22/23
friended 10/22/23
friended 3/30/23
friended 8/13/20
friended 6/15/20
friended 6/15/20
friended 6/15/20
friended 6/15/20
friended 6/15/20
friended 6/15/20
Profile Wall
creamygraffiti  7/22/20
Tomorow I am going to sit down on a enormous Cream-Cake.... ( I was dared by a female friend to do so) looking forward for that kick Report
sally  11/28/19
enjoy fully clothed wamReport
messyhot  2/12/19
Feel free to drop me a DM if you wanna talk shop on photographyReport
creamygraffiti  1/29/17
New status: wanna chat ?Report
creamygraffiti  1/18/17
New status: creamy celebrety ?Report
creamygraffiti  11/1/16
New status: phantasy_island_Report
creamygraffiti  8/18/16
Hi Folks_ I'd love to get a little more active in umd-Forum... I am checkink the picture archive for years but now, finally I want to get in contact with other wamers ... I am fascinated by the classic wam tool Cream-Cake.... / love to exchagne experiences and fantasies, preferably with women which are attracted to creamy WAMing...Report
Profile views
since 8/25/13
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