I have a YouTube channel called mariesings00 dedicated to the complete and total public humiliation of a guy named Hair Dresser (facebook name). The link to my channel is: http://www.youtube.com/user/mariesings00?feature=watch
I also have a girlfriend named Geena who got her head shaving creamed by this Hair Dresser idiot and he has put the videos of her creaming on his channel on YouTube. Because she was so timid to let him humiliate her that way, I enjoy having others see her get creamed. Look for the videos of "Geena Salon Creaming" (3 parts)! That YouTube channel is shampooking2009 and the link is: http://www.youtube.com/user/shampooking2009?feature=mhee
I also have a girlfriend named Geena who got her head shaving creamed by this Hair Dresser idiot and he has put the videos of her creaming on his channel on YouTube. Because she was so timid to let him humiliate her that way, I enjoy having others see her get creamed. Look for the videos of "Geena Salon Creaming" (3 parts)!
That YouTube channel is shampooking2009 and the link is: http://www.youtube.com/user/shampooking2009?feature=mhee