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Trailer from Cd Gross Mess Wedding Dress
"Cd Kirsty in Gross Mess Bridal Session!"
Added 11/17/17
39,622 plays
Tagged female
Tall and elegant cd/tv bride Kirsty is glammed up to the max for her session with Candy. With seriously perfect make up, sparkling delicate tiara, curled and styled blonde hair, and a truly stunning perfect white wedding dress, brand new and made to measure! Also matching heels and undies really turning up the wow factor! Unfortunately for Kirsty she lost a game we played selecting random numbers, and so now the whole perfect ensemble is going to be utterly destroyed with margarine, brown sauce, ketchup, thai fish sauce, mushy peas, gravy, curry, tamarind, tuna pasta, mint sauce, chinese sauce, salmon paste, mayo, beans, spaghetti, chinese noodles, soy sauce, sweet chilli sauce--truly the works of stinky, gross savoury mess items all over this beautiful outfit. Watch as I destroy poor beautiful bride Kirsty and then make her roll around the collected disgusting slop in the bottom of the pool. Many thanks to Kirsty for allowing her session to be filmed and released. If you ever wondered what a savoury session with Candy might look like, this is pretty much it! If you want to get messy but are not ready for a session yet see www.candycustard.com for links to sets of wam instructions.