With the conclusion of Copa and Uefa, two players from Argentina and Germany meet up for a well-deserved celebration--with gunge colours from their respective countries.
They greet each other in their soccer kits, passionately locking lips and feeling each other through their jerseys. At "kick-off," they lower their feet, clad in long soccer socks into buckets of red and blue gunge each other's country colors. They engage in some foot work and paint each other's socks.
As Copa 2024 champion, Argentina selects the order of gunge. The Argentinian player picks up a pie with yellow cake batter and white cool whip and waves it in front of the German player. The German player flashes a nervous smile before getting it slammed in his face. As a mixture of pie crust and batter slops down the German player's face, the Argentinian player picks up another yellow pie and pies him again. Not wanting to let any gunge go to waste, the Argentinian empties the remaining batter on the plate over the German player's head.
Next, Argentina takes the hot seat. The German player decides to take revenge and picks up a pie with yellow cake batter and red jam. He tells the Argentinian player, "You look gorgeous. Very, very nice blue." With the pie in his hand, the German player kisses the Argentinian player. As the German player pulls back from his kiss, he slams the pie into the Argentinian player's face.
The German player picks up another of the same pie. "Are you going to defend?" he asks the Argentinian player. The Argentinian player gives a wry smile...