Trailer from Stella Has a Bowl of Oatmeal
"Stella enjoys over 100 lbs of oatmeal in an inflatable spa bath."
Added 5/31/16
94,241 plays
Tagged female explicit
I've always loved having maple oatmeal for breakfast but I think I went a little far this time. I mean, 50 lbs of oats mixed with 35 gallons of water is a bit excessive, isn't it? The only thing I could think of doing with my leftovers is filling up my inflatable spa pool and taking a bath in the oats. Of course, I this bath was a special occasion, so I decided to on some of my favorite clothes for it. Some knee high stockings and high top converse all stars, my short plaid black skirt, red halter top, black jean shirt, and my thick chain choker necklace. I step in and slowly sink myself down into the goop. I lie back and begin to spread it over my body before letting my head sink down into the thick oatmeal. As it thickens, I pour a gallon of maple syrup over myself to make the mess slimey and slippery. The longer I stay in the messier my clothes become. Eventually they are too heavy and messy to keep on, and slow I slowly strip down. First my shoes, then stocking, my skirt eventually everything is cast aside until there is nothing to stand between me and the mess.