Features me rubbing Thick Chunky red clay all over my face and body. (rubbing my feet together) masturbating (lots of masturbating in different locations). I start stroking my member in the shallow area and then I get cleaned up. Whelp time to jump back in. I submerged a few times (I forgot my tripod so I just held the camera during the entire video.) I did summersaults, jumps, and somehow got the camera to sit up in the unstable quickmud slop. The mud was so nice in the hot 100 degree F heat. So refreshing as I moan and grab at the surface. Then we pan over the cliff and just admire this awesome cliff as I do so well. Nude and all of it's glory beneath the cliff is my goopy red clay covered body. I got some mouth full's of mud too as I beated my meat in this glowing hot red mud.

haha. I love this place. Wanna join me :3?