Hi there! I was previously Splatgirl on here, but I decided to delete my account and take some time away from the WAM community for a few months because I ended up being a bit ill in the last two months of 2024. However, I'm back now, and readier than ever to make a true splash into the WAM community!
I have done WAM modelling before - in July 2023 I did a shoot with Messyworld Girls (my character name was Madeleine). I enjoyed getting gunged and I can't wait to do further shoots
I have done WAM modelling before - in July 2023 I did a shoot with Messyworld Girls (my character name was Madeleine). I enjoyed getting gunged and I can't wait to do further shoots
The things that I really want to do this year:
- Appear on the Splatette Show
- Star in a few other messy shoots
- Get messy with people on here
- Participate in the messy forum games
- Star in a 'Thank You Desk' style scene