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About Me:
Just a guy who loves getting his just desserts

I have recently found the girl of my dreams who loves to give me all the pies and chocolate dumped on me that I could ever want

There will be videos soon so follow me for those when they happen
Last Actions
friended 4/27/23
friended 5/12/24
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friended 5/15/24
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Profile Wall
TheGothPieGuy7  5/12/24
New pie video being filmed tonight, yall i know i been slacking, it will be worth the wait tho!Report
TheGothPieGuy7  11/27/23
Would yall like a new pie video soon??? Report
TheGothPieGuy7  4/28/23
I have a new vid out now if your intrested, if you do get it give me feedback since it was our first paid video!Report
TheGothPieGuy7  4/16/23
New video coming soon Report
TheGothPieGuy7  3/6/23
I will be moving in with my gf soon and we will make some videos for y'all hope you like messy pies and chocolateReport
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since 6/27/21
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