Antony Dyer
Barking Essex
Last on:
Time here:
14 ½ years
I prefer:
UMD Fetish ID:
Tony Collins (T C)
I'm here to:
Chat with friends, roleplay with others, and find others interested in meeting up
friended 5/2/20
friended 4/23/20
friended 4/3/20
friended 3/28/20
friended 5/10/20
friended 4/29/20
friended 11/23/14
I would like to meet people, who would like to share ideas, and maybe film some of my ideas, I have a few!
Mucky ideas for film clips:-
One idea is to like take the micky out of Nigela Lowsons, when she does her cookin program. When shes cookin, she tries to be sexy while she's cookin. So with that ya can do like a tease, get someone to dress up like her, and act like her, then makes really messy like desirts, the tease is that she doesn't get messy until she finished, or gets mucky while she's cookin, but not alot, so ya can still enjoyed her gettin completly covered in desirts, when shes done.
Another idea is, do ya remember the M&S ad, for good food, do the same sort of ad, with a gorgous glammed up lady, sittin there, while a voice over says "This is not just a gorgous lady, this is a gorgous lady covered in custard, garnished with chocolate sauce, drissled with cream" This is not just food, this is wam food!
There's a lady preparing for a bake sale she has a market stool full of mucky marshy cakes, and she gets called away, and she asks some to watch the stool, while she's gone the person asked to look after her stool decides to play prank on her, and changes her cake sign to say pay £5 and you can splat a cake in my face or splat it where you would like. Anyway she comes back she doesn't notice anything and customer comes up buy's a cake and picks it up and says thanks for this chance and splats it in her face, and then everyone wants a go ect.