Face Gets Clay Obliteration 4K (24-Nov-2023)
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Producer: Muddddy
Added 11/25/23
403 plays
Keywords: clay  mud  thick  naked  facial  masturbation
Tagged male explicit
This video is for folk that like to see full facial and head coverage, no holding back. I repeatedly rub sloppy wet but thick clay into my face, over my head and into my mouth. No hole is spared from a complete filling!

It's very difficult to do this without masturbating, so you can't directly see but know very well what is going on! You'll know what I mean once you've watched it. What makes this different from previous videos is the focus on the face and head and the glorious onslaught in 4K detail.

I'm getting quite choppy playback, so it might struggle to play at peak times. I'd do a 1080p version...

Enjoy if it plays well for you...
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