Amber & Ty
Account type:
Couple's account
Last on:
18 days ago
Time here:
3 months
UMD Fetish rank:
UMD Fetish ID:
Take chances, make mistakes and get messy!
I'm here to:
Chat with friends, roleplay with others, and find others interested in meeting up
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About Me:
I am Ty, she is Amber and together we are just a couple of weird pebbles. I have had a messy fetish (among many others) for many years now and when I finally built up the courage to introduce my beautiful life partner Amber to the wonderful world of WAM, she was immediately intrigued and had to know more. Needless to say, the fetish has grabbed hold of her just as strongly as it did when I first discovered it!

We are so excited to explore this silly, sloppy, sensual adventure together and look forward to sharing our content and meeting many messy new friends along the way. Cheers and happy sploshing!
Last Actions
friended 7/10/24
friended 7/16/24
friended 7/11/24
friended 7/11/24
friended 7/16/24
friended 7/11/24
friended 7/11/24
friended 7/11/24
friended 7/12/24
friended 7/11/24
friended 6/17/24
friended 18 days ago
friended 18 days ago
friended 18 days ago
friended 8/8/24
Profile Wall
Wamlanta  7/15/24
Hey, shoot me a message!Report
WAMOptimist93  7/14/24
Incredible photos! Excited for anything and everything you decide to share with us! If mud is in any way possible for you two, that would be a dream! Report
Profile views
since 6/14/24
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