As the waitress goes to hold the back of the rude customer's head, she can't resist a final quip "That's quite a mess madam but I think you deserve one more!"
Definitely Lenny, I participated in this shoot (camera, not target). The one about to be pied is Lauren, very easy to work with. This was a large group pie fight, great fun.
Kate Beckinsale's regal solitude was only slightly compromised by the massive cream pie that had just plastered her face, streaked up into her hair, and splattered down across her shoulders, boobs, and especially her luscious lap.
The expressions on both of their faces are perfect -- especially the redhead who has internalized, accepted in good humor, and is at peace with the fact that she's about to get expertly cake-faced by her so-called friend to her right.
This is so great. The "victim" here looks so sexy bent over the table like that, and I love how you can see one of her bountiful breasts hanging down, just barely missing the cake her face has just been plunged into!
This one strongly suggests -- to someone of the appropriate age anyway -- Mary Richards, the lead character on The Mary Tyler Moore show. And what an incredible pie target she would've made! (Other people got pied on that show but it was always the goofballs like Ted Knight...)
Love this one for the stunning legs, the insane pose, and the look of complete glee on the pie thrower's face. Also, this looks so much like it came from a 70's variety show that it makes me nostalgic for my long-lost youth.
Especially loving this scene...the first pies have been thrown, and there are plenty more laid out...and loving the skirt hem of the lady on the right, sitting just above the knee...already imagining her skirt getting flipped up at the back...
This one is subtly super sexy, stealth sexy. Her expression and stance are both priceless, the anticipation is killing both her and me, in the best possible way!
What an absolutely delicious-looking pied face, guessing this one is coconut cream! (I do realize it's all an AI fever dream, but it's an especially vivid one, pie-wise!)