Idk - I think if Ms.Plonk texted me something like "Got bored, so me and the hot bestie stripped to our underwear and gave each other cake batter rub-downs", I'd have a goddamn heart attack. :loveeyes:
If Tori slept at my house with her feet on my table she'd have toothpaste smeared on her hair. It's gonna suck for her because she'd be spending hours trying to get it off.
Love this pic of Lilly! She seems like such a fun loving person with so much enthusiasm. I'm a sucker for a woman in white too so this is excellent. This is the first time I've seen that she has a Pi tattoo on her ankle!
I'm wondering if Courtney is one of those girls that is perfectly fine with skipping the pre-amble and the skit, and would be just as happy to show up and slither around in the leftover pie slop? :loveeyes:
I love that you can see Paige laughing underneath all of that pie! It's really sweet how much you, your wife and your friends clearly enjoy making these.
Psychic_MessScene: Violet: Tar and Feathered 3 Times... and Green Slimed12/15/23report
This was a great one. I love getting slimed with Hershey's chocolate syrup. My last time involved three of those huge jugs of Hershey's too. :splosh: :splosh: :splosh: :kiss: :loveeyes: :love:
vols4everusScene: Violet: Tar and Feathered 3 Times... and Green Slimed12/15/23report
Thank you thank you thank you! I've been hoping to see you tar and feather Violet for a long time. I always love seeing her get it with pies and slime, but this one of the best. My wish has come true. Violet tarred and feathered, and slimed. She is completely destroyed and humiliated. Thanks again