Yet another AMAZING still of Melody doing what Melody does best. And these "clenched helpless hands" are a delightful twist on the age-old formula of fingers splayed wide apart (not that I ever get sick of The Classics! x-D)
My Goal in life is to get a pie barrage from the wife. I love the expressions on her face as she plasters them with those huge pies. You can tell she really enjoys shoving pie after pie in her girls face and has a devilish shmirk on her face when her pie target is buried under a ton of pies! Me next please!
That second preview picture is hilarious. The Wife is pissed and Ellie is smiling while she's talking on the phone. Ellie doesn't realize she's in deep shit.
oh my god! this is beautifully executed! Bet they were picking all kinds of colorful boogies! haha! this is so hot! i looove iiiit! nothing makes my blood bubble like bright colors.
Just noticed it's been exactly 1 year to the day since "Trailer Update: "The Sequel"
Congrats on a little more than 4 years here on the UMD! - Wouldn't be the same without you guys!
deadpoolPhoto: From: 'Cards Against Girls 4'4/7/24report
It's worth it just because Bree The Wife and Lexi are in it. Lexi's reactions to being pied and slimed are gold, The Wife likes watching other women get messy and Bree is a fan favorite.