Sorry you are going through so much all at once; it does sound like you have a lot on your plate but that's at least good to think of it as transformation. I think that's wise that you're waiting for the day when you can create art out of desire, not to survive. Otherwise only the most commercially popular, guaranteed-sales stuff would be out there.
By all means, take the time for yourself and when everything is right, you'll no doubt create something amazing! When that time comes, if you're okay with it I would still be very interested helping behind the scenes. The Pgh filmmaking scene is fascinating (I did a zombie film before that never saw the light of day) and I'm fascinated by the technical aspects of it all.
"I dream of a day where i no longer make art to survive, and instead, i follow a reasonably easy 9-5 routine to survive and I wait to make art. I wait until its time to produce a video that i genuinely think the world needs." This part really hit home for me as it's been something I've wanted in my life, too. I've been effectively unemployed since last July (doing lyft but that's hardly a full time job with those wages) and all I want to do is invest in my tarot business, but I need time and money to make it all happen. My health and depression have hit a sever low lately, too, especially since I had a job offer on the table as of last month but they rescinded at the last minute.