Suttons Bay
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3 hours ago
Time here:
8 years
Feb 11
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Let me have it!
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About Me:
I have enjoyed mess for as long as I can remember and love being humiliated. I will use nearly any substance...I enjoy getting wet just as much as things like pies or other mess....the more disgusting the better sometimes! Im always up for suggestions, pictures, or getting messy on cam so be sure to say hi, or leave a dare on my wall and ill be sure to complete it and post pics!
3 Well Deserved Sloppy Pies
2,189 plays
A Couple Thick Pies
2,789 plays
Last Actions
friended 10/18/16
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Profile Wall
mudsoaked  11/23/18
I'd love to see you give yourself a peanut butter shampoo.Report
Clown Boy  7/9/18
If you really want to be humiliated: I dare you to dress up as a clown - big red nose, goofy makeup, big shoes, the lot. As silly and embarrassing as you can look. Then sit yourself down on a whoopee cushion, atop which sits a nice thick pie. Then, once you've got some nice coverage, fill a balloon with shaving cream and sit on it until it pops and covers your clown butt in even more cream. Then, for added humiliation, I dare you to wear a diaper and pee in it, still dressed as a clown!Report
Shampoo1  10/2/17
Pour a bucket of water over your head. Then, a Shaving Cream Pie on top of your head, then one to your face. Then, another bucket of water over your head to watch all the foamy goo run down off you. Report
Mmaster  7/11/17
I dare you to make a bucket of thick, pink, slime and slowly pour it over your head, face up turned somewhere public.Report
Pieology  1/5/17
I want to see you pied more!!!Report
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since 5/29/16
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