Back to basics. I enjoy getting dirty and it turns me on. This video doesn't think about what would make interesting captures or what would look good, it's just what I do for fun, for the pure thrill and excitement it brings me.
I empty my barrel of grey school clay into the bath, climb into it naked, cover my face to stop family and friends recognising me and asking me awkward questions, and wiggle around in it until I am completely covered! Slowly the flesh becomes hidden by the clay, and the coating gets thicker the more excited I get... and the more excited I get, the more clay I want.
Clay feels amazing, as it is thick, silky smooth and wet on the skin. You feel really dirty when playing in it, but you skin also seems to be more radiant when it's washed off again--cleaner and younger.
Rubbing clay into my face makes my other hand go for my groin and an orgasm is never far away. I submitted to the clay instead of holding out for more, so I've not had to cut much out when processing this video.
This is for me, but I hope you enjoy it too. Most of all, I hope you're inspired to have a go yourself as only you can make it happen--opportunity very rarely falls in your bath, I mean lap!
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