Trailer from Indecent Emulsion
"Crowned from head to toe in real emulsion wall paint"
Added 7/25/22
3,649 plays
Tagged male explicit
Crowned in real emulsion wall paint from head to toe and every nook and cranny in-between. I start out completely naked and uncensored from face to feet. Dipping my bare feet into the paint, I kneel down and begin to drizzle it over my legs, quickly exciting my soft willy which gets dunked in next. I smear the paint all over my lower body and tease it over my nipples.
Turning around, I bend over and fully expose my smooth arse, smearing paint back and forth over the hole. Eventually, I cup most of the paint back into the tin, crouch down and pour it right over my head, completely covering myself in the thick emulsion that sticks to every part of my body, making me look completely bizarre. After much more playing, I settle into a rhythm of wanking, unable to control myself against the uninhibited, thoroughly indecent trashing I can see looking back at me in the mirror.
Smearing the paint over my head again, I deliver my own creamy whiteness into the mixture. The video finishes with me using my hands to squeegee the paint off my body, still leaving a complete white covering, as my willy flops back down to its normal state and I desperately try to work out how to get to the shower...!
Note: Like all my gunge videos this session is cheaper to buy at (due to higher fees on umd)