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Time here:
10 months
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Chat with friends and roleplay with others
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About Me:
Hi Everyone,

My wam life is a secret life. So its between me and you....ssssh
I love getting messy when I can. I love raiding the kitchen cupboard and using whatever I can find, Which is usually soups and beans.
I usually fill boxers or jeans, but I have done wellies before and boots.
I'm happy to chat to anyone (and I mean anyone) about getting messy. As long as you like Mess and getting disgustingly slopped, I ll chat.
Im a Lover of Savoury slop, yucky mixes. For me I love the dirty naughtiness of it and the feeling of the textures.
I also love boots...especially knee highs.
Last Actions
friended 18 days ago
friended 11/18/23
friended 12/8/23
friended 5/14/24
friended 12/19/23
friended 12/7/23
friended 6/23/24
friended 7/27/24
friended 7/6/24
friended 7/24/24
friended 6/14/24
friended 29 days ago
friended 5/21/24
friended 7/20/24
friended 4/1/24
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tsarmina  14 days ago
*waits impatiently to see the new pics... and after that, already excited to hand out loves when they appear here!* Report
6 loves received yesterday
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since 11/3/23
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