My Comments
@Mechanicon: it's gross!!! :miserable:
Photo: punishment part 19 hours agoreport
@Dms85: NO!!!! :mad:
Photo: punishment part 19 hours agoreport
looking good friend!
:miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable:
Photo: punishment part 1yesterdayreport
@soggyaz: :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad:
Photo: EGGED!!Fridayreport
@StoogeInTraining: So did half of the city!!!! :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable:
Photo: embarrassingly transparent11 days agoreport
@Dms85: Stupid social justice warriors!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Photo: No Smoking15 days agoreport
@Dms85, They are (were) OTCs, you CRETIN! :mad:
Photo: No Smoking15 days agoreport
@Dms85: Shut up!!!!! Stop laughing!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Photo15 days agoreport
@Dms85: :wahhh: :miserable: :miserable: :wahhh: :splosh: :miserable: :wahhh: :miserable:
Photo: all wet for the holidays16 days agoreport
@Dms85: How DARE you?!?! No one disputes how I dress!!!! :mad:
Photo: just desserts for the birthday king17 days agoreport
@Dms85: You're the loser, LOSER! Creeping up in the poll again! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Photo: just desserts for the birthday king17 days agoreport
LOVE this
Photo: Not use to being smart - what you recon?21 days agoreport
@Dms85. Like I said, Old Sport...Bring. It. On. BITCH :miffed:

I'm a SUPERSTAR! Yes, THAT'S WHAT I ARE! :D :thumbsup:
Photo: right in the crotch!!! 21 days agoreport
@Dms85: BRING IT ON, OLD SPORT!!! :bahaha: :bahaha: :bahaha:
You still got 9 punishments to pay up on anyway, right?

Come back to me when you have the time, and the temerity. :miffed:

You've already a proven record of being A LOSER. :D :thumbsup:
Photo: right in the crotch!!! 21 days agoreport
@Dms85L It was a Michael Kors...but it is RUINED!!!!!!!!
And I LOOKED so HOT-AS-FUCK in it TOO!!!!!!! :wahhh: :miserable: :wahhh: :miserable: :miserable: :wahhh: :miserable: :wahhh:

BTW, how are your 9 punishments coming along?!?!?! :bahaha:
Photo: right in the crotch!!! 21 days agoreport
@Dms85: I will have you know, Old Sport that my BACKGROUND is the cream of the crop, the top of the tops, the best schools, hobnobbing with the best and brightest a-listers...THIS IS WHY I AM SO SUCCESSFUL as an ALPHA-MALE SUIT STUD INFLUENCER!!!

P.S. The suit was DESIGNER!!! LIKE ALL OF MINE!!! And it's RUINED!!!!!

You're just JEALOUS!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Photo: right in the crotch!!! 21 days agoreport
@alwayssuited2: I had to walk the downtown business district looking like this!!!!
Photo: NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!21 days agoreport
"I have heard! I have heard! I have heard!''
Shut up!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Photo: all wet!21 days agoreport
@alwayssuited2: :wahhh: :miserable: :miserable: :wahhh: :miserable:
Photo: black friday21 days agoreport
@Lumberjack: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Photo: black friday22 days agoreport
@huncho: :miserable: :wahhh: :miserable:
Photo: NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!23 days agoreport
@alwayssuited2: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: and Um...have you seen YOUR profile pic?!?! :miffed:
Photo: this is an OUTRAGE!23 days agoreport
@soggyaz: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable:
Photo: this is an OUTRAGE!25 days agoreport
@StoogeInTraining: :mad: :gettingmad: :mad: :gettingmad: :mad: :mad:
Photo: this is an OUTRAGE!26 days agoreport
@StoogeInTraining: You're hilarious...NOT!!!!!! (stomps feet) :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Photo: winner winner spaghetti dinner28 days agoreport
@Dms85: It was a parting shot from a jealous ex who caught me iin what was ABSOLUTELY an INNOCENT situation with another dude. :miserable: :wahhh: :miserable: :wahhh:
Photo: morning oatmeal28 days agoreport
@mlwis2000: I wish I hadn't been!!! :miserable: :miserable: :miserable:
Photo: morning oatmeal28 days agoreport
@PetraTied: That's hilarious...NOT!!!! :miserable: :wahhh: :splosh: :wahhh: :miserable: :splosh: :miserable: :wahhh:
Photo: PLASTERED!29 days agoreport
nice profile pic
User: 4m511/19/24report
@4m5: thank you...but...but...IT'S HUMILIATING!!!! :wahhh: :miserable: :wahhh: :miserable: :miserable: :splosh: :miserable: :wahhh:
Photo: "promises broken engender consequences"11/19/24report
@Lumberjack: How very funny...NOT!!!!! STOP LAUGHING!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Photo: taste the rainbow11/19/24report
@Lumberjack: :miserable: :wahhh: :miserable: :wahhh: :splosh: :splosh: :miserable: :wahhh: :splosh: :wahhh: DRIPPING!!!! :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :splosh:
Photo: "promises broken engender consequences"11/19/24report
@Lumberjack: :miffed: :miffed: :miffed: They were BENEATH ME, and I told them so, as was MY PRIVILEGE. :miffed:
Photo: "promises broken engender consequences"11/19/24report
Which came first: the chicken or the custard?
@soggyaz: :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad:
Photo: before...and AFTER!!!!!11/17/24report
@Dms85: Sure, Jan. :bahaha: :bahaha: :bahaha: :bahaha: :bahaha: :bahaha: x-D :bahaha: x-D
Photo: before...and AFTER!!!!!11/17/24report
@StoogeInTraining: The only thing I ever do is show up LOOKING BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
Photo: before...and AFTER!!!!!11/17/24report
@StoogeInTraining: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: I look like a ... a ... I don't wanna say!!! :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable:
Photo: PUSHED IN!!! WHY?!?!?!?! 11/17/24report
@Lumberjack: HOW THE EFF COULD IT BE MY FAULT?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Video: Sat in Something Medley11/16/24report
@Dms85: I am NOT here to be THE BUTT of YOUR JOKES!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Video: Sat in Something Medley11/16/24report
@mlwis2000: NO SHIT, SHERLOCK!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
Video: Sat in Something Medley11/16/24report
@mlwis2000: You too, Old Sport?!?!?! :miserable: :wahhh: :miserable: :splosh: :miserable: :wahhh: :miserable:
Video: Sat in Something Medley11/16/24report
@soggyaz: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable:
Photo: PLASTERED!11/16/24report
LOVE this
Photo: Папы про11/16/24report
alwayssuited2: I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT. :miffed:...AND WHO ARE YOU TO TALK?!?!? LOOK AT YOU!?!?! :bahaha: :bahaha: :bahaha:
Photo: PLASTERED!11/16/24report
:miserable: :miserable: :wahhh: :miserable: :wahhh: :miserable: :wahhh: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :wahhh: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU'LL PAY!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Photo: PLASTERED!11/15/24report
@Lumberjack: IT!?!?!?!? :gettingmad: IT?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad: I AM HUMAN!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Photo: PLASTERED!11/15/24report
@mlwis2000: :wahhh: :miserable: :wahhh: The suit was an olive db favorite of mine! And the tie was a striped combo of olives and oranges...gorgeous... :splosh:........ :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable:
Photo: PLASTERED!11/15/24report
@Dms85: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Video: Jimmy the Spat Strikes Again11/13/24report
@Lumberjack: HUMILIATED :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable:
Video: Gunged at the Disco (warning: Flashing Lights)11/10/24report
@Lumberjack: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Video: Jimmy the Spat Strikes Again11/10/24report
hahahaha love it
@mlwis2000: WTF for?!?!?! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: FOR LOOKING BETTER THAN THE REST OF YOU?!?! :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad: JEALOUS?!?!?! :miserable: :splosh: :miserable: :splosh: :miserable: :splosh: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable:
Video: Honky-tonk11/5/24report
@Soakedbusinessuit: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Video: Honky-tonk11/4/24report
@tunasandwich: :wahhh: :miserable: :wahhh: :miserable: :wahhh:
Photo: after10/31/24report
@Lumberjack: IT'S NOT FUNNY!!!!! :wahhh: :miserable: :wahhh: :miserable: :wahhh: :miserable: :miserable:
Video: Honky-tonk10/29/24report
@Lumberjack: SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Video: Drenched And Dunced!10/29/24report
@Lumberjack AND @Dms85: I AM NOT POMPOUS!!!!! :miffed: :miffed: :miffed: ... "HE" is in the room!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:...and QUIT IT!!! :miserable: :miserable: :miserable:
Video: Pop a Balloon10/26/24report
@soggyaz: Cretin. :miffed:
Photo: IT STINKS!!! I STINK!!10/24/24report
@soggyaz: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Photo: IT STINKS!!! I STINK!!10/23/24report
@MIU2: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable:
Photo: IT STINKS!!! I STINK!!10/22/24report
@Dms85: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Video: From Dapper to Damp and Dunced10/19/24report
@messyrob17: That happened to me once from a driver like you! Went thru muddy construction runoff and drenched me in a thin coat of brown sludge!!! :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable:
Video: Splash10/19/24report
@Wet-stuff2m: They're just jealous of our sartorial splendor!!! :miserable:
Video: Splash10/19/24report
@Dms85: You know you LOVE IT! You know I looked GREAT!!! :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad: ... :-7 Should I know who that is? Is he as dapper, as exquisitely appointed, as perfectly put out, as, in a word, CLASSY, AS I AM?!!?!?! :halo: :-) 8-)
Video: From Dapper to Damp and Dunced10/19/24report
:D :D :D :D :D :D
Video: Armani Suit--Oct 202410/18/24report
@Lumberjack: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Video: Disco Bucket10/18/24report
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: I'm ALL WET!!!! :wahhh: :wahhh: :wahhh: :miserable: :wahhh: :splosh: :miserable: :wahhh: :miserable: :splosh:
Video: Splash10/18/24report
@Dms85: :splosh: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :splosh:
Video: Disco Bucket10/15/24report
@alwayssuited2: :bahaha: :bahaha: :bahaha: :bahaha: :bahaha: :bahaha: :bahaha: Laughing for two reasons: a) Clearly you DESERVED it...and b) To have seen the EXPRESSION ON YOUR FACE when you realized what was happening...AWW MAN!!! :D :bahaha: :thumbsup: :love: :bahaha: :D :thumbsup: ;-) :splosh:
Video: No Smoking10/10/24report
@alwayssuited2: :bahaha: :bahaha: :bahaha: My DUDE! Your profile pic tells a different story. :bahaha: :bahaha: :bahaha: :bahaha: :bahaha: :bahaha: :bahaha: :bahaha:

And THAT is NOT why I was hired!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
Video: No Smoking10/9/24report
@soggyaz: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Video: Monday Morning Meltdown10/8/24report
@alwayssuited2: YOU FIRST!! :mad:
Video: No Smoking10/8/24report
@Dms85: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Video: No Smoking10/7/24report
@Lumberjack: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Video: No Smoking10/7/24report
@Dms85: :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :mad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :mad:
Video: Monday Morning Meltdown10/7/24report
@Dms85: They are floral print silk briefs!!! And they are ruined!! And I HAVE A WEDGIE!! AND IT'S ALL SO GROSS AND ... NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Video: Monday Morning Meltdown10/7/24report
@Dms85: It's MY BEST SUIT!!!!
Photo: no smoking!10/7/24report
@Dms85: My beautiful suit...................SOGGY SWAMPY MESS!!!!! :wahhh: :miserable: :wahhh: :miserable: :wahhh: :miserable: :splosh: :wahhh: :miserable:
Video: No More Kings... Happy July 4th, I Guess (whimpers)10/6/24report
@Dms85: :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad:
Video: Narsitious?10/5/24report
:miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :splosh:
Video: Birthday Surprise, and Ensuing Tantrum10/4/24report
@Dms85: BUT BUT BUT!!! :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable:I WAS THE BIRTHDAY BOY!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Video: Birthday Surprise, and Ensuing Tantrum10/4/24report
@Dms85: All of my guests POINTED AND LAUGHED!!!!! ME...ME!!!!!!!! :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable:
Video: Birthday Surprise, and Ensuing Tantrum10/4/24report
@Dms85: I AM A GLORIOUS MAN!!! I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE MAN OF THE HOUR!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!!! ON MY BIRTHDAY NO LESS!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Video: Birthday Surprise, and Ensuing Tantrum10/4/24report
@Lumberjack: So. Very. Glad...NOT!!!! :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad:
Video: Birthday Surprise, and Ensuing Tantrum10/3/24report
@soggyaz: I WAS SET UP!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Video: Birthday Surprise, and Ensuing Tantrum10/3/24report
@Lumberjack ............................................................................................................long! :wahhh: :wahhh: :wahhh: :wahhh: :wahhh: :wahhh: :wahhh: :wahhh: :wahhh: :wahhh: :wahhh: :wahhh: :wahhh: :wahhh: :wahhh: :wahhh: :wahhh: :wahhh: :wahhh: :wahhh: :wahhh: :wahhh:
Photo: pushed in!9/29/24report
@mlwis2000: :gettingmad: :miffed: :miffed: :miffed:
Video: Game Over9/29/24report
@soggyaz: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: I WAS PUSHED!!! :miserable: :miserable: :miserable:
Photo: pushed in!9/29/24report


:miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :splosh:
Photo: PUSHED IN!!! WHY?!?!?!?! 9/28/24report
@Lumberjack: !!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Video: Sick of This Shit!9/28/24report
@Lumberjack: SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Video: Game Over9/28/24report
@Dms85: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable:!!!!! :mad:
Video: Sick of This Shit!9/28/24report
@Dms85: hardy har har!!1 hilarious!!!...NOT!!! :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad:
Video: Game Over9/28/24report
@Dms85: YOU TAKE THAT BACK!!!! :miserable:I AM AN EXQUISITE, CLASSY, GENTLEMAN!!! I AM! I AM!!!! :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad: :gettingmad:
Video: Game Over9/28/24report
@morepies_2: NO MORE!!!! :wahhh: :wahhh: :wahhh:
Video: The Pies Have It9/28/24report
@soggyaz: MY SUIT!!! :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable:
Video: The Pies Have It9/28/24report
@dMS85: NO! NO! NO! :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :miserable: :splosh:
Photo: I scoff at your old, cold pasta9/28/24report
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