thank you for the awesome review!! email me at ;) if you woudl like a free video for your review. also, make sure to put in the comments IF you gave a review FOR a free video or just because you wanted to :) thanks stewy!!!
Is the pie-ee's name Lisa? Is she the same giga-adorable (that's a BILLION units of adoration, not just a million/mega-) who has appeared in Anglefan videos? Looks like her.
And Liz's sneaky smile: GOD, do these women know how unbearably attractive & alluring they are to us guys? :loveeyes: :kiss: :bahaha: :halo:
I love this technique - it's hot as hell, best of both worlds. I especially like when MG's show off their butts before this happens. The face already down in a bucket or a pie, and getting a pie in the butt is also a favorite.