Melody is a champ at taking pies and The Wife is a champion at delivering them. I also love the expression of glee on The Wife's face here, she loves letting other girls really have it!
For my money, Melody is one of the greatest pie-takers in the WAMiverse. Here she takes a rare purple pie to the face -- I'd love to see more purple pies in general! -- and as always has great helpless hands!
Incredible work all around, and as always, I absolutely love Melody and her amazing helpless hands! (The slime-covered boobs are always a delicious plus too!)
So lovely! It would be such a shame if any messes were to besmirch this beuaty... or would that just make her even more alluring? Enquiring minds want to know! ;P
She must've somehow intuitively sensed that purple is my favorite color, that a deeply sexy woman swathed in purple can really activate the uranium rods in my nuclear reactor... or am I just HAPPY to see her?
This pie hit -- and those incredible helpless hands -- and literally everything else about this glorious screenshot -- just couldn't get any more perfect! (I also dig the look of satisfaction on The Wife's face as she really LETS ZOEY HAVE IT!)
I hope this is an ongoing series. I'd love to see Lilly, Zoey, Tori, Violet, Valerie, Crystal, Ruby, Chrissy, Daisy, Jessica, Summer, Lexi, Paige, Melody and Courtney.
I would certainly like to be in his place, pouring muck over Ellie.
Such lovely black gunge. Since we know how gorgeous Ellie is when clean, the contrast to such a filthy blob is even greater.
Make sure you keep getting Ellie going from pristine to destroyed.
is a bra top....and little underwears?!!! oh and lets not forget the socks! whew! are you trying to make me have a heart attack rn? I mean? I already broke my diet yesterday and ate crumbl cookie-and today? its gonna be junk food i made all day....yep. imma have aa heart attack. jeeez louise. please. fly me to your houuuuse. (i was singing that) lol