This is just straight-up staggeringly, stunningly, stupefyingly sexy! MewMew, you are such an irresistably gorgeous pie target, I almost can't stand it ... :loveeyes: :loveeyes: :loveeyes: :loveeyes: :loveeyes: :loveeyes:
Agreed, mewmew! In fact, you are the owner of not only the best latin ass, but just the straight-up BEST ASS OF ANYONE, period! You are mind-bogglingly sexy in that outfit.
That is the most perfect WAM outfit I have ever seen and perfect for messy destruction -- worn by the most perfect WAM model I have ever seen (and also perfect for messy destruction :loveeyes: :loveeyes: :thumbsup:)
A rapturous moment here, lovingly preserved for posterity. Whatever will happen? This gorgeous face, this oh-so-creamy cake! One can only hope they are on a collision course with one another in the very near future!!!
such a super sensual pose, particularly with your pretty puss positioned in proximity to pastry pies and a creamy cake... the anticipation is killing me!